As a consumer, most of you are assuming to find improvements with the services and features of the credit cards that you are using. That won’t be a big problem since Intel is now discussing some features that they can add with MasterCards. When you see an Intel inside logo within the credit card that you are using, it will be stamped onto the credit card similar to what people see in their computers. The technology that Intel will share with the avid card users not just in the users but from all over the globe will surely be enjoyed by savvy shoppers. The strategic collaboration of the streamline between MasterCard companies and Intel will be enhanced and there will be a new payment system with added security as well.
In some reports, the officials of the company has shared partnership with MasterCard companies which will surely give opportunity to existing card holders and those who would like to apply for a new card. In the US, there are lots of MasterCard holders and most of them are wishing that they can see new features from their card. This is just to give them new things to reinvent since they are using their card all the time. The black Friday sale of 2011 has been a big hit because more people were able to buy new gadgets that are meant for gift giving and for their early Christmas shopping as well.
Intel is not only offering new features and innovative designs for credit card holders but they are also offering companies the MasterCard Pay Pass which will add protection to the POS systems of malls and business owners as well. Intel promises to provide all the MasterCard holders and business owners of a more secure way of shopping as well. They would like to protect their consumers regarding identity theft which is very rampant these days. More and more credit card owners are now being attacked by identity theft since there are lots of fraud people who victimize consumers just to earn money. According to George Thanadurai who happened to be the spokesperson of Intel said that the partnership goal of the company include having a PayPass which is meant for shoppers who would like to shop online without risk.